
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

school rant

When I was growing up, teachers paid attention to what we were doing. If we didn’t turn our homework in everyday, boy did we get it! I went up to my daughter’s school today to talk to her teacher. Their ‘form of communication’ is a stupid purple folder with the child’s weekly progress. The grading system they have is a week behind. How does this help a student in school? It’s like my husband said, it’s almost set up like a freakin pay check system!
I can’t believe some systems have gotten so lazy with children. The kid gets in trouble and gets a bad report because their reading, (AR) points aren’t what the teacher says  it should be. The kid gets in trouble for not bringing in and giving the teacher the purple folder. But a teacher can’t take five minutes to send a note home asking the parent to encourage the child more on reading? If a trouble child, like mine can get in trouble within two seconds flat for taking someone else’s homework because she didn’t do hers one week and the teacher can certainly find the phone then, why can’t they do it when the child is doing something good?
Teacher says she don’t remember making an agreement with me to send me a note home when my child says she turned in her homework letting me know it was turned in. Why the hell not? The teacher can certainly call when she’s in trouble! With 40 kids to deal with, teacher says there’s no way at all possible to send a note home to the parent on a daily basis. HMP… yea right! It’s called, ‘I don’t want to’. They can ‘get a child ready for middle school’ by teaching responsibility. As in; writing their assignments in a agenda that only gets ‘spot checked’ occasionally, having the child keep up and “check mark in their agendas” the homework they have completed, bring their folders home for the parent to sign and turn back into the teacher, along with turning in homework that was given to them for the ‘whole week’.
My child is in fourth grade. They call it ‘intermediate school’ instead of elementary. Ok. Now, I prefer my daughter to do her work at school that is to be turned in for the next day. She’s also given “weekly” homework. As in, passed out on a Friday and turned in the following Friday. Teacher smugly says to me, “this was at the parents request.” Well, not all parents.  I choose to know more about my child’s progress than once a week! I grew up with homework given out on a daily basis and turned in the next day. I remember if we didn’t turn our homework in, the teach stepping outside of class to call my mother. The focus was on how the student needed to be taught, not on  laying it all on the kids’ shoulders.
Teacher considers this being “pampered”. Not hardly. Fact is, it isn’t her kid so who cares.